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4 Things Parents Can do to Prevent Bullying
1. Help Your Child Understand Bullying
- A child who understands bullying can better identify it. They know what to do if it happens to them or they see it happening.
- Encourage your child to be an Upstander by not sitting back when they see bullying. This could be saying “Stop,” getting help, or showing kindness.
- Talk about how to stand up to a bully, such as saying “Stop” directly and confidently, and to walk away if these actions do not work.
- Encourage your child to come to you or another trusted adult if they see someone bullied.
2. Keep Talking
- Talking with your child every day and listening to what’s going on can reassure your child that they can come to you with a problem.
- Ask them about their day and what happened. The Rose, Bud, and Thorn Activity is a great way make talking about your days more interesting.
- Talk about bullying directly, too! Ask your child why they think bullying happens, what do they do when they see bullying, and what they can do to help prevent bullying.
3. Help your Child Follow Their Interests
- Encourage and help your child get involved in activities that they love. This helps build confidence and friendships and protects them from bullying behavior. This could be anything from a sport, youth group, or afterschool activity.
4. Model Respect and Kindness
- Even when it seems like they are not paying attention, your child is watching how you manage your stress and problems. By treating others with respect and kindness yourself, you are showing your child that there is no place for bullying.
Want to do more for bullying prevention? Check out these resources here: https://www.stopbullying.gov/kids/webisodes/index.html